Abstract Submission:
- Authors begin the process by submitting their abstract. This initial submission is handled by the Submission Manager, who oversees all submissions.
Initial Screening by Submission Manager:
- The Submission Manager performs a preliminary review, desk-rejecting submissions that fail to meet the congress scope, quality requirements, or submission policy. Submissions that pass this initial check proceed to the next stage.
Reviewer Process:
- Suitable submissions are assigned to two peer reviewers. The reviewers are then notified, including response and completion deadlines.
- The reviewers complete their evaluations and submit their feedback to the Submission Manager.
Post-Review Editorial Decision:
- Based on the reviewers' evaluations, the Submission Manager makes one of the following decisions:
- Request Revision or Resubmission: The submission may require additional work from the author before further consideration.
- Reject the Submission: If the submission does not meet the required standards, it may be rejected at this stage.
- Accept Abstract Submission: If the submission meets all standards, it is forwarded to the editor for a final decision.
- Author is notified regarding the decision.
Submission Pathways After Acceptance:
- Happy with Abstract: If the author is satisfied with the abstract publication, it can be published as an abstract in the congress after being presented in the congress.
- Proceeding (Full-Text): If the author wishes to publish a full-text paper, they can proceed to the next steps.
- Full-Text Submission and Review:
- Authors opting for a full-text publication submit their paper for a detailed review. Based on this review, the full paper may be accepted or rejected. This review process is more meticulous than the abstract review and may take longer time. It can be completed either before the congress date or may fall beyond. Eitherway the submitter prepares and presents his study in the congress.
- Final Decision on Full-Text:
- If the full paper is accepted, it will be published as part of the congress proceedings. If rejected, the author still has the opportunity to present their submission at the congress.
- Full-Text Submission and Review:
Presentation Preparation:
- Authors who are abstract-only-submitters and full-text-submitters, whether their papers are accepted or rejected for full-text publication but still wish to participate in the congress, are expected to prepare a presentation file.
Presentation in the Congress and Outcomes:
- Publication as a Proceeding: For full papers accepted after all reviews are published as proceedings (full-length papers) and as abstracts. If the Book of Abstracts and Book of Proceedings are published separately, these will appear only in the Book of Proceedings.
- Publication as Abstract: For authors opting only for abstract publication. If the Book of Abstracts and Book of Proceedings are published separately, these will appear only in the Book of Abstracts.