Dec 21 – 22, 2024 HYBRID
Erzurum, Turkiye
Europe/Istanbul timezone

Comparison of Power Consumption in Data Transmission at Different Distances in Edge Computing Systems of Wireless IoT Technology

Dec 21, 2024, 2:05 PM
D/1-8 - Hall 3 (Campus VSTS)

D/1-8 - Hall 3

Campus VSTS

Oral Presentation Other Research Fields Telecommunications


Ahmet Ekmel KURT


LoRa (Long Range) technology, which enables low-power and long-distance communication in edge computing systems, is an ideal solution for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. These systems consist of local nodes that perform data processing near the device instead of in the cloud. Low power consumption is especially important for energy-constrained portable devices and remote sensor networks. In this study, the power consumption of the circuit is analyzed during data transmission and reception over different distances using the SX1268 433 MHz LoRa HAT module integrated on the embedded circuit. The aim of the study is to determine the distance dependent power consumption of the SX1268 LoRa module and to evaluate the energy efficiency by comparing these consumptions. In the experimental setup, the power consumption of the circuit during data transmission and reception was measured at 0.1 second intervals using a current sensor and recorded in real time. The experiments were conducted at varying distances of 100 meters, 1 kilometer and 2 kilometers. At each distance, 10 transmissions were made at 1-second intervals after a 20-second waiting period, with each message being 200 bytes in size. The obtained data shows that the change in transmission power consumption with increasing distance reveals that the power consumption of the circuit increases as the distance increases. In particular, while the power consumption is low at short distances, it is observed that the power consumption increases significantly at distances of 1 kilometer and above. During reception, the power consumption was found to remain relatively constant regardless of the distance. In conclusion, the power consumption analysis of the SX1268 LoRa module in the embedded circuit at different distances in this study provides usable data for energy saving in IoT applications. These findings can play a role in system selection, especially for battery-based systems that require long-term operation.

Keywords Edge Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Power Consumption Analysis, LoRa (Long-Range), Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN)

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