Dec 21 – 22, 2024 HYBRID
Erzurum, Turkiye
Europe/Istanbul timezone

Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Triple Mixtures of Waste Plastic Oil, Waste Transformer Oil and Diesel Fuel on Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions

Dec 21, 2024, 2:00 PM
D/1-1 - Hall 1 (Campus VSTS)

D/1-1 - Hall 1

Campus VSTS

Oral Presentation Mechanical Engineering: Energy and Thermodynamics Mechanical Engineering: Energy and Thermodynamics


Mr Uğurcan YAZICI (Atatürk University, Department of Mechanical Engineering)


The rapidly increasing energy demand worldwide is directing countries towards sustainable and renewable energy sources. In this context, the evaluation of waste in energy production both reduces energy costs and contributes to environmental sustainability. Alternative fuels, especially oils obtained from waste plastics, are among the remarkable solutions in the energy sector. Recycling and recovery of wastes play a vital role in preventing environmental pollution and protecting natural resources. In this study, waste plastic oil obtained from waste plastics, waste transformer oil and diesel were mixed at different rates and tested in a single-cylinder diesel engine. Ternary fuel mixtures were prepared and a cetane number improver was added to them. The obtained fuel mixtures were examined in detail in terms of both engine performance and exhaust emissions. In experimental studies, the effects of different fuel mixtures on engine power, fuel consumption and combustion efficiency were analyzed. The results showed that the cetane improver additive positively affects the combustion process especially in low-quality fuel mixtures and provides a significant improvement in engine performance. In addition, when the exhaust emission values ​​were examined, it was determined that certain mixtures were effective in reducing emissions. These findings reveal the potential of using waste-based fuels in internal combustion engines and are promising in terms of environmentally friendly energy production. The study yields significant findings relate to both reducing energy costs and increasing environmental sustainability.

Keywords Waste plastic oil, waste transformer oil, diesel engine, engine performance, exhaust emissions

Primary author

Mr Uğurcan YAZICI (Atatürk University, Department of Mechanical Engineering)


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