Dec 21 – 22, 2024 HYBRID
Erzurum, Turkiye
Europe/Istanbul timezone

Utilization of Geothermal Water Source Heat Pump in Space Heating in Cold Climate Regions

Dec 21, 2024, 4:30 PM
d/1-10 - Hall 4 (Campus VSTS)

d/1-10 - Hall 4

Campus VSTS

Oral Presentation Mechanical Engineering: Energy and Thermodynamics Mechanical Engineering: Energy and Thermodynamics


Sedat Akmeşe (Erzurum Technical University)


Energy is the most important fundamental factor in the development and prosperity of societies. Today, approximately 80% of global energy consumption comes from fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources have significant effectiveness in reducing dependence on fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil and coal. Heat pumps have enabled low-grade energy sources such as geothermal, soil, sun, and air to be used effectively with heat pumps. Heat pumps enable the effective and efficient use of energy thanks to their ability to transfer heat from a low-temperature heat source to a higher-temperature region, contrary to the normal heat transfer direction. Geothermal spring waters offer significant advantages in use in heat pumps due to their constant water temperature feature. In this study, the use of geothermal water source heat pumps for space heating in cold climate regions was investigated. It is aimed to use the geothermal water source at approximately 37 - 40C temperature effectively and efficiently in space heating by means of a heat pump. Additional precautions to be taken against possible adverse situations that may arise in this system used in cold climate regions have been set forth.

Keywords heat pump, renewable energy, geothermal, coefficient of performance, efficiency

Primary author

Sedat Akmeşe (Erzurum Technical University)

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