Dec 21 – 22, 2024 HYBRID
Erzurum, Turkiye
Europe/Istanbul timezone

Investigation on Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters for 5G Network using OMNeT++

Dec 22, 2024, 12:15 PM
D/1-1 - Hall 1 (Campus VSTS)

D/1-1 - Hall 1

Campus VSTS

Oral Presentation Telecommunications and Wireless Networks Electronics and Devices


Juwita Mohd Sultan


The field of wireless communication has seen significant growth during the past several years. The 5G network was intended to be developed to address the underlying issues with the quality of services in current networks. Based on the new modulation and transmission techniques of 5G technology, the efficiency of data transfer speeds will be improved by more than 10 Gb/s compared to 4G. This study aims to ensure the end-user has a good experience such as enabling higher data speeds, reducing end-to-end latency, using less energy, increasing traffic capacity, and maximizing end-user satisfaction. This research focuses on Quality of Service (QoS) for 5G networks specifically for VoIP applications. VoIP application is selected as it is considered crucial in telecommunication networks for real-time communication. Utilizing Simu5G OMNeT++ software, the Quality of Service (QoS) indicators selected which are throughput, delay, and packet loss are analyzed for various 5G service flow types. Therefore, the expected outcome of this research is to gain all the parameters measured in the range of threshold according to the literature review.

Keywords 5G, QoS, VoIP, Simu5G, OMNeT++

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